16 January to 2 February

24 JANUARY | 20h




Teatro Variedades


Portuguese and English subtitles


Night Mysteries", evoke mysterious nocturnal landscapes, bathed in moonlight, in the solitude of the forest, in a sea of ​​romanticism with one of the most extraordinary Lieder cycles (songs) ever "Liederkreis" opus 39 by Schumann based on poems by Eichedorff. From the black sleep of Ravel's despair to Debussy's "walk of the two lovers" based on a collection of Tristan L'Hermite from the 17th century, to the bohemia and euphoria of nocturnal pleasures in Poulenc's "Ribald Songs", with the baritone Luís Rendas Pereira and Pedro Lopes, at the piano.


Liederkreis" (Eichendorff) Robert Schumann
"Un grand sommeil" noir Maurice Ravel
"Le promenoir des deux amants" Debussy
"Chansons Gaillardes" Francis Poulenc


Luís Rendas Pereira, barítono
Pedro Lopes, piano
Sérgio Moreira, lighting design